Style Guide


Hex Values



default Paragraph Text

.bluebird Paragraph Text

.gold Paragraph Text

.gold-dk Paragraph Text

.navy Paragraph Text

.navy-dk Paragraph Text

.green Paragraph Text

.red Paragraph Text

.gray-10 Paragraph Text

.gray-20 Paragraph Text

.gray-60 Paragraph Text

.gray-90 Paragraph Text

.white Paragraph Text

Background Styles


Font Styles

Achieve these styles by using: h1, .h1, or span.h1

H1 Heading Styles.

H2 Heading Styles.

H3 Heading Styles.

H4 Heading Styles.

H5 Heading Styles.
H6 Heading Styles.


Fancy Text


Title / Offering

Body Styles


This is the default size and styling for paragraph body copy throughout the site. Suspendisse dictum feugiat nisl ut dapibus. Mauris iaculis porttitor posuere. Praesent id metus massa, ut blandit odio. Proin quis tortor orci. Etiam at risus et justo dignissim congue.


Big body copy


Best used for descriptions.


Smaller text, best used for secondary links within body copy.


When listing out details, this is best used to seperate the text from other copy.

p a

This text is a hyperlink


This text is highlighted.

"Blockquote suspendisse dictum feugiat nisl ut dapibus. Mauris iaculis porttitor posuere. Praesent id metus massa, ut blandit odio."
Blockquote Footer, Author


  • This is an Unordered List.
  • This is an Unordered List.
    • This is a nested Unordered List.
    • This is a nested Unordered List.
  • This is an Unordered List.
  • This is an Unordered List.
  • This is an Unordered List.
  1. This is an Ordered List.
  2. This is an Ordered List.
    1. This is a nested Ordered List.
    2. This is a nested Ordered List.
  3. This is an Ordered List.
  4. This is an Ordered List.
  5. This is an Ordered List.


Form Elements

Buttons & Styled Links





Content Blocks

Text Block

Text blocks have three widths to choose from, including: 600px, 750px, and 1280px. This is currently set to 750px wide. You can set the width in the Styles tab of the Text Block.


Text blocks have three widths to choose from, including: 600px, 750px, and 1280px. This is currently set to 600px wide. You can set the width in the Styles tab of the Text Block.


Text blocks have three widths to choose from, including: 600px, 750px, and 1280px. This is currently set to 1280px wide. You can set the width in the Styles tab of the Text Block.

Image + Text Block

Set where you want the photo.

In addition to being able to place the image on the left or right of the text, you can also set the image size to be 25% or 50% the width of the screen. This image is currently set to be 50% and on the right of the text.

Mama Bird's Ice Cream store at the Morgan Street Food Hall in Raleigh, NC
Smiling Mama Bird's employee

Here is an example where the image is placed on the left and set to 25% width.

Simple Columns

Host a birthday party or event at Mama Bird's

You can choose to have the column widths be determined automatically by how many columns there are.

Custom cakes, pies, cookies and more!

Or you can have the columns be small (similar to “Whats Included” on the Parties page).

Have Mama Bird's cater your wedding or corporate event.

Automatic width columns work best with 3-4 columns. Small width columns work best with 2-5 columns.

Full Width Image

Mama Bird's Custom Ice Cream Pizza

Expanding Block (Accordion)

You can set to have the first expanding block open or closed by default.

In the Options panel, you can select whether you want the blocks to be numbered or have bullet points next to them.

Locations Block

This should only be used for adding new locations to the Locations page.

Mama Bird's Ice Cream store at the Morgan Street Food Hall in Raleigh, NC

Location Name

Add a description for the location.

(919) 123-4567
1234 Main St, Raleigh, NC 27601

Year Round

10am - 10pm

Flavor Grid

This is only to be used on the Flavors page.

Best Seller
Double scoop of ice cream in a waffle cone.

Flavor Name


Double scoop of ice cream in a waffle cone.

Flavor Name

Dairy Free

Double scoop of ice cream in a waffle cone.

Flavor Name
